
What LANA Has Already Done:

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The first is in a case pending in New York State’s highest court, the Court of Appeals, wherein a criminal defendant is challenging the constitutionality of a portion of the state’s animal cruelty statute, specifically, regarding the failure to provide veterinary care. LANA knows the importance of prosecuting animal cruelty cases, and the importance of strengthening our animal cruelty statute, not weakening it! LANA asks the Court, along with the prosecutor, to deem the law constitutional.

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The second is in a rare lower court case, also in New York, wherein a plaintiff is asking the court to allow for emotional damages for the loss of a companion animal, when that animal was killed right in front of the owner’s eyes, due to someone’s negligence. Current NY law only allows recovery of such damages for loss of a member of the plaintiff’s immediate human family. LANA knows that animals are also a part of our immediate family, and asks the Court to deem it so.

Matters we have been contacted about by individuals who need legal help:


A bow-hunting deer event in New York.

A bow-hunting deer event in New York.

Cats being held in a shelter, some for years, without having access to adopters.

Cats being held in a shelter, some for years, without having access to adopters.

New York City Housing Authority mistreating feral cats.

New York City Housing Authority mistreating feral cats.

Matters we are interested in pursuing on a larger level:


The Horse Drawn Carriage industry in New York City.

The Horse Drawn Carriage industry in New York City.

The massive chicken-slaughter event that takes places annually in Brooklyn, New York, by way of a Federal (as opposed to State) lawsuit.

The massive chicken-slaughter event that takes places annually in Brooklyn, New York, by way of a Federal (as opposed to State) lawsuit.

Certain states banning lab grown meat (Florida, Alabama, Iowa)

Certain states banning lab grown meat (Florida, Alabama, Iowa)

The proposed EATS Act.

The proposed EATS Act.